Dear Parents, you are directed here because your child has forgotten his/her password to Frog VLE.
Worry not, just follow the following quick steps to reset your child’s VLE Password!
Step 1 : Log in to FrogVLE at http://<schoolcode> .
(Note: <schoolcode> is the school code of your child’s school).
Step 2 : Click on the icon at the top right hand corner of the home screen. Click on “Preferences”.
Step 3 : Click on “Change Password” on the left navigation panel of the pop-up window. Then click on the “Change Password” button again.
Step 4 : On the pop-up screen, select from the dropdown list the name of the child you wish to change the Frog VLE password for.
Step 5 : Your child’s details will be displayed for your verification.
Step 6 : Enter a new password for your child. Password must be between 8 - 16 characters, alphanumeric, and only accepts “+” and “_” for special characters. Click “Save”.
Congratulations! Your child’s password has been reset and he/she can now access the FrogVLE to learn and revise!